The group dynamic It can be a big surprise for your business, and it can be done at various times, whether it’s hiring or some internal training; drawing perceptions or promoting engagement among employees. Check out how it works and how this strategy works in your business.

Group dynamics for companies: why and when to do it?

The group dynamic Group dynamics is a type of activity conducted with the purpose of extracting or disseminating certain knowledge to its participants. It also seeks to bring values to the company in order to achieve results.

When to do?

This technique can be used in the following situations:

  • at the moment of hiring;
  • training;
  • expansion of incentive, motivation;
  • development of creativity;
  • improves the mood of the organization;
  • promotes employee engagement.

Research shows that having a good application makes this tactic an excellent career motivation strategy.

Why do?

This is a relaxed way to find what is being sought by the company. This strategy can be used in the employee empowerment phase, for training, team engagement, and other important issues.

In addition to this overall goal, dynamics can also be used as follows:

  • a social tool that helps include new members among the team;
  • improve the climate of the organization;
  • analyze the characteristics of each server;
  • development of collaborative work;
  • identification and development of new leadership;
  • assessment of the behavioral profile of team members.

Therefore, the application of group dynamics, at any time, situation and for various purposes, provides insight, versatility and precision in hiring and internal decisions. It also encourages employee engagement and motivation.

Group dynamics and teamwork

The dynamics consists of a process of behavioral identification, personality and other characteristics of the employee’s profile, so that it is possible the qualification and development of the employee, seeking to improve the skills, both personal and professional.

The dynamics also aim to relax the work environment, since, at many times, the workload or pressure is able to strongly reflect on employee performance and performance.

Still, the dynamics positively impact the climate and organizational environment. As a result, all employees who are part of the team together can get to know each other better and thus join in a more harmonious work. Seeking to bring benefits to the company, in its entirety.

Benefits of Group Dynamics in Hiring

The activity helps the HR professional to identify the technical and behavioral capacity of the professional being evaluated.

For this, group dynamics must have the following characteristics:

  • a clear goal;
  • a definition of the professional profile;
  • exercises that, in fact, can test the desired characteristics.

This group interaction ultimately reduces or even eliminates competitiveness during the selection process in order to explore collaborative work, always leaving the process more relaxed. It also assists in building the detailed profile of each employee.

The dynamics contribute to reveal the characteristics of character, and also of any and all behavioral action, in the face of any conflict or adversity. They are helpful and serve as an aid in identifying how the individual works in teams.

This is because, in these dynamics, there is greater flexibility and effective participation in the search for results. Therefore, the ideal is to pay attention to the practice, the dynamics used by other enterprises and available methodologies.

10 quick group dynamics to do in your business

These dynamics can be used during various internal trainings, or selection processes. Here the important thing is to select the right type for each situation. That’s why we have separated 10 group dynamics alternatives to innovate and achieve the desired goals.

Dynamics 1 – Secrets

This is an activity that aims to observe empathy and trust among all group employees. The interesting thing is to bring together 15 to 20 individuals and ask each of them to write a problem or secret that they are not comfortable saying out loud to everyone.

Participants must disguise the letter so that there is no identification and all the papers must have the same shape fold.

After the draw, each person must read aloud what was written and have the secret as their own, assuming it. It is therefore necessary to state the opinion and to propose a solution to this condition. The exercise ends after everyone has commented and removed a piece of paper to make an analysis that the participant is able to put himself in the shoes of his neighbor – or if he can’t.

Dynamics 2 – Challenge

In this exercise, you will need to bring a wrapped box of chocolates, a buzzing song and a lot of relaxation. In a group of at least 5 people, start by asking how they can handle the activities they challenge, and if so, if anyone wants to comment on the biggest job challenge up to that point, open up.

Ask them to draw a circle and say that the box presents a very big challenge that needs to be done by those with it as the music stagnates.

At this point, the ideal is to observe the behavior of individuals, while the box is moving from hand to hand, noticing those who are anxious and those who seem to be calmer.

As soon as the music stops, the individual must open the box and do what is being questioned – which is to eat the candy. The intention is to reveal to participants and collaborators that fear ends up depriving them of challenges that result in good and rewarding situations.

Dynamic 3 – Team Merge

This is a great alternative to doing that “icebreaker” and getting newcomers into the team or to departments that are not in touch yet.

Each individual should introduce themselves, mentioning their name, function, age and some interesting curiosity about them. You can include questions such as “what is your biggest dream?” Or “speak a quality you have, with the initial letter of your name”. Interesting and relevant to the icebreaker group dynamics is the encouragement of team mating, leaving the environment with a more pleasant climate.

In doing this analysis, there are a variety of group dynamics that can be used on several occasions. In choosing, it is important to consider the purpose you want to achieve, from decision making to leadership or relaxation and the like.

Dynamics 4 – Amnesia

Ideally, make use of strategies to aggregate individuals and to break the ice of people who have not met each other well or who are not very close to each other.

To start this activity, there is a need to make use of certain materials such as labels and pens. After that, distribute it to the contributors and have them write down the name of some specific personality on the label – famous, artist – and stick it on someone else’s forehead.

It is essential that each individual cannot see what is written on the forehead, because people will imitate the personality, as if forgetting the specific name.

Therefore, the individual who has the etiquette needs to guess, based on the clues that colleagues mention.

It is a dynamic that relies on the development of creativity. Exercise is fun and able to integrate individuals powerfully. You can make as many rounds as you need so that everyone can let go and participate in the strategy.

Dynamics 5 – Presentation

It is a more simplified but functional activity. Such a motivational group dynamic is capable of proposing the division between teams of up to fifteen individuals with circular positioning and one ball among all.

The key is to get the individual with the ball in hand to ask someone something – name, hobbies, profession, qualities – and throw the ball.

The individual who receives the ball must return the answer, and question something else to someone else, throwing the ball, and so on.

It is worth highlighting that the mediator – usually an HR employee – can also be part of the activity, asking and answering, in order to contribute to the participants’ engagement.

Dynamics 6 – Group self-analysis

The idea is simply to make the participants of the activity, who already work together, can understand and share better challenges, producing more.

There is also the possibility of understanding the qualities of the group, based on self-analyzes.

An example is to write on a piece of paper first what he considers to be a very important value in the team, and after that one of the obstacles that stand in his way.

It is a more interesting activity when grouped, but done anonymously, so that both feel more comfortable to expose such points. After that, the mediators pick up the papers and randomly redistribute the participants.

The aim is for the group to be able to reflect on the topics available and discuss ideas for solving challenges, as well as improve what is already positive as a team.

The activity aims to harmonize the climate of the organization, since several problems may have to do with team members, and the consequence of such practice is increased production and process optimization.

Dynamics 7 – Creativity

A simple hypothetical idea raised is created and the group must find the right solution. It is essential to develop the situation of the daily fact of the team.

In this way, the person who is mediating the exercise can make the observation of the members, how they have the habit of dealing with solving a problem and how the employee can work to improve the profile of each one of them.

The type of dynamics in question can be used for both analytical purposes – from a creative, working feedback routine, as well as to improving group work, to even identifying new leadership in the organization. .

Dynamics 8 – Desert Island

This dynamic is very interesting and may be similar to the previous activity, but with a different theme. This practice is to promote teamwork so that everyone can work together to escape this “desert island” scenario

This strategy is playful and does not have much to do with the professional environment, but it is of great interest to everyone, as it helps to take the pressure off the exercises. It makes the game light and yet allows an observation of the behavior of individuals, looking for a solution.

It is also an activity that seeks to develop the creativity of employees in order to solve the daily challenges of the company.

Dynamics 9 – Treasure Island

It is an activity that requires intercollaboration and strategies. These are essential points for the employees of a company in order to achieve goals and professional success.

For this dynamic, you need a box of chocolate and newspaper sheets. The ideal is to form pairs with the participating collaborators.

To get started, you need to pick up the newspaper, open it and place it at a strategic point in the room, with the candy box on top. On the other end, do the same with the rest of the newspapers. The goal is to reach the other side of the island and make the treasure conquest – the chocolate box.

Each pair needs to stand on a sheet of newspaper and make use of it as an element to achieve their goal. You cannot tear the paper or set your feet on the floor. Therefore it is only possible to move through the newspaper. If someone touches the floor, it will be eliminated on purpose. It’s quite a challenge!

In fact, to achieve the goal, both need to alternate the leaves they are stepping on, and work as a team – in this case, double.

Dynamics 10 – Holding Hands

The activity in question aims to encourage leadership with informality and situationality among the employees and also the willingness to work together, teams. It is a playful way to incorporate reflection and show how, as a team, employees are capable of building incredible results.

For the procedure of this exercise, it is necessary to use a cardboard. After that, gather the participating individuals, asking them to form a circle, holding hands and seeking memorization of the colleague who is on their right and on their left.

From this, it is important to ask competitors to release their hands and have a smooth movement around the room. A few minutes later, place the cardboard across the floor in the central region of the room. The next step is to ask all people to position themselves on the cardboard, still tight there, in the maximum attempt to stay on the paper.

After that just ask them to try to remember the person on the left and the one on the right, without leaving the cardboard, trying to hold hands and remake the wheel at its origin.

By completing the activity, everyone will understand the power of joint skills and teamwork.

Did you like the dynamics? Be sure to set up similar activities for your business!

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