The transformation of selection processes

Online selection processes are increasingly common. Submitting your resume via linkedin or pdf on the job portal is already part of the routine of most job seekers.

What recruiters must not forget is that in Brazil there is still the custom of printing the resume and delivering to the desired places for work. This is an outdated method but it is still largely done, especially in factories, stores.

With this behavior in mind, JobConvo has updated its system with Artificial Intelligence to read resume photos and export information. That is, the individual applying for a job can take a picture of the resume instead of sending the file in pdf or doc. The same goes for recruiters who get the resumes in hand. Your time will be optimized.

Additionally, in this evolving landscape of job selection processes, various online CV maker tools have also become an essential tool for job seekers, providing user-friendly platforms to create and customize their resumes efficiently.

Understanding the technology

New computer systems are increasingly advancing with the intelligent document reading system where it is possible to identify, analyze and extract document information automatically by photo or digital documents.

Document automation is done by two technologies. The main one is OCR, Optical Character Recognition, is a technology for recognizing characters from an image file or bitmap whether scanned, handwritten or printed.

The second technology involved is called Natural Language Processing, which is responsible for processing the text.

The operation of artificial intelligence with resumes submitted physically or in photo

In curriculum delivery, AI processes work by identifying, extracting, and interpreting recognized data. Through this technology, it is possible for recruitment and selection software to organize resumes and organize candidate profiles in their selection process management software more quickly and efficiently.

Managing physical curricula gains more value with artificial intelligence. Software with this technology ends up organizing, identifying keywords and ranking profiles in the same way as CVs sent in doc or pdf format.

Advantages of Using AI in CV Screening

It is very common for companies to receive thousands of resumes and not have the time or manpower to review them all. By having Artificial Intelligence Recruitment and Selection software, the process is optimized and organized.

Resumes can be submitted through the company’s job portal in PDF, doc or photo format. Resumes that are physically delivered can be imported in photo mode by recruiters as well. Artificial intelligence extracts the information and organizes the candidates according to the highest level of match with the vacancy requirements.

Using these technologies, HR professionals end up sparing the manual labor of looking at curriculum by curriculum, which often does not fit the job requirements and focuses on the important part of finding qualified candidates and continuing the selection process in a timely manner. more efficient.

JobConvo and Artificial Intelligence for Resumes and Digital Admission

The use of AI technology for document information extraction is used for CV submission and digital admission by JobConvo software. We believe they are critical to optimizing, streamlining and finding the right talent for companies.

Want to know more how we do it all? Give one Look at our website and contact us!

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